Motorola HZ720 Elite Flip Review: Boost Your Range to 300 feet!

Posted on Oct 26th 2012

The most recent addition to CAFL's diverse line of Bluetooth headsets is the Motorola HZ720 Elite Flip. Its versatile wearing options, easy pairing options, and impressive connection range mean anyone can appreciate this top-quality headset. The Elite Flip is also equipped with A2DP Bluetooth technology (allows you to stream from your audio player) and CrystalTalk so whether you’re listening to music or chatting with a client, the sound quality is always excellent.

CAFL Web Team Rating: Four and a half stars



Eye-catching and bold, the Elite Flip features a stylish silver design with red trim. One of the most important features of this high-end headset is its versatility. The Motorola Elite Flip has a flat speaker that rests just outside of the ear and a removable earhook. For greater stability, the headset comes with multiple gel coverings that slide onto the speaker, allowing the headset to fit snugly inside either ear. This headset is light, small and incredibly portable.


With multiple nifty features, you can’t go wrong with this headset. One particular highlight is the Elite Flip's use of Bluetooth 3.0 technology. When used with a phone that has Bluetooth version 3.0 or higher, this little headset boasts a connection range of 300 ft. The Elite Flip comes with CrystalTalk dual-mic technology, A2DP Bluetooth technology for music and video and My MotoSpeak integration. Free with Android, the My MotoSpeak app allows users to send voice-activated text messages and hear incoming texts with voice command. However, there is no integrated iPhone-equivalent app for this feature.

A feature that can’t be missed is the headset’s RapidConnect flip ability. Flip open the headset (at the bottom) to turn it on and flip it closed to turn it off, saving you power and extending your use time. When a user flips open the headset to turn it on, it announces the remaining call time.

Motorola Elite FlipEase of Use

Pairing couldn’t be simpler, as gently tapping the Elite Flip against an NFC-enabled phone connects the two (learn more about Near Field Communication).  The Elite Flip has a micro USB port for charging like many phones currently on the market, making it easy to find a charger in a pinch.

The positioning of the answer/end button is functional, but could be better.  It's on an inclined surface so your finger might slide until you get the hang of it - perhaps a trade-off for the modern, curved design.  The dedicated mute button makes up for it though.  It's much better than the multi-purpose buttons on many other headsets that require you to tap for mute.

Sound Quality

On our end, the sound quality was great. Listening to music or chatting on the phone, the Elite Flip is a great headset for users. Occasionally the person on the end of the phone had a difficult time hearing the Elite Flip user in noisy conditions (although this is not unusual for most Bluetooth headsets), but the calls were incredibly clear in quiet environments.


While the sound quality was good, it was limited in noisy conditions.  Aside from the call button placement, we found this handy little headset to be an all-around winner. The open-flip design, My MotoSpeak integration and wearing options set this headset apart from the rest. Four-and-a-half stars.